About Philip Cable
A Compassionate Listening Presence
I find it fascinating that we all think pain is a very good tool that teaches us not to put our hand in a fire; yet, few of us give thanks for pain's ability to alert us to physical messages from our body. More concerning still is how often we are not encouraged to pay attention to the pain in our emotions or spirits in our fast-paced, modern life. The fear seems to be that if we give these parts of our being attention, we will get stuck in the pain and dwell on negative energy. The paradox is that by ignoring the subtle pain messages of our bodies, emotions and spirits, our very bodies and the bodies of our families and communities are damaged and thrown more and more deeply into pain. The very denial of the growing pain requires a squandering of our vital life-giving, healing and creative energy.
Please consider letting me help you name your physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or relational pain clearly, completely, and in a safe setting. Together we can increase your capacity to surround this pain with the compassion and care that it requires in order to promote healing. This pain is a messenger that helps you notice the healing you both need and deserve.
I have worked as a United Church Minister and institutional chaplain since 1988, as a liberal minded leader and care giver to congregations and individuals. My work and ongoing study have taken me from Halifax N.S. to Vancouver B.C., and now back to my home province of Ontario.
My Therapist training has included courses in Pastoral Psychology, personal therapy, exposure to a broad range of psycho therapeutic schools and thought through the university of Toronto and it's affiliation with The Canadian Association of Spiritual Care, as well as training as an Energy Therapist using E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Techniques). I was granted registration with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario October 2 of 2015.
No one is expected to face the inevitable pain of life, living and learning alone